Research in Progress: Innovation Leadership (2010- 2012). Partially reported in: Jeff Gaspersz - Dagelijks Innoveren, praktische adviezen voor een kansgerichte organisatie (Publisher: Pearson/Prentice Hall, 2009)
Research on innovation in purchasing, 2008-2009. Contract Research in assignment by the Dutch Association of Purchasers (NEVI). Reported in: Jacques Reijniers, Jeff Gaspersz, Yolanda Marijnen, Jan Roddeman - Inkoper Innoveer, kansen grijpen met inkoop (Publisher: Pearson/Prentice Hall, 2009)
Research on innovation in Dutch municipalities, 2006-2007 (contract research in assignment by the A+O Fund Dutch municipalities). Reported in: Jeff Gaspersz: Doe meer met ideeën van medewerkers, slimmer werken met kennis en ideeën, (Publisher: A&O Fonds /T&U Uitgevers, 2007j
Research on the Investor in People Standard in the Health Sector, 2004-2006
Research on Mobility in the Health Sector, 2003-2004
Contract Research on the applicability of Investor in People Standard in the Netherlands. In assignment of he Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs, 1998-2001, Reported in: J. Gaspersz, N. van de Hove (eds): Investor in People, (Publisher: Samsom, 2000) and in various other articles.
Contract Research on Mobility in assignment of TSO Haaglanden, 2000
Contract Research on Employability. Research in assignment of Stichting Management Studies, 1996-1998. Reported in: J. Gaspersz, M.Ott: Management van employability : nieuwe kansen in arbeidsrelaties. (Publisher: Van Gorcum, 1998.)
Research on the Recruitment Policies of Firms, in assignment of the Dutch Organization for Scientific Research (NWO), 1988-1993. Reported in: Dissertation on Internal Labor Markets (Erasmus University 1993)